you buy from a dealer - and that applies to plush showrooms down to
who deal from home - you have rights under the Sale & Supply of Goods Act
are that the car must be of satisfactory quality (bearing in mind its age), must
be as described, and must be fit for its purpose. This means that it
be free from defects other than any you've been told about, should be exactly
what you've been told it is, and should do what you might reasonably expect of
it, including any particular purpose you have specified to the seller.

always get a car insurance quote from Direct
Line too,
as they don't take part in the price comparison websites.
you feel your purchase does not meet one of these requirements, you have a short
period after buying it in which you may be able to reject it completely. To
this, you must stop using the car immediately and contact the dealer. Then
must follow your complaint up in writing and give evidence for any problems, including
to any finance company you have used to fund your purchase. You
will need
to get an independent assessment of the car and possibly, if the
is disputed, take legal action to recoup your money.
in a dispute with a dealer, you should also check whether they belong to any trade
associations, what their policies are and whether the dealer is abiding by them.
Also consider involving the Trading Standards department of your local council.
you need to take legal action, you can make claims up to £5,000 in value
using the small claims courts. Above this, you may need to employ proper legal
representation for full court proceedings.

the dealer may offer to repair or replace the car. If you choose a repair, ensure
the dealer provides you with a courtesy or hire car, or pays your travel costs
while the repairs are being made.
rights when buying privately are much more limited. This is why
some small
dealers will try to pass themselves off as private sellers. Legal comeback is
only possible if the car doesn't match the description the seller has given. So
keep a copy of the advert and take it with you when viewing. Knowing where the
seller lives is also important here, so make sure you are viewing the
at their home rather than a car park or motorway service station.
even if you find the car has been wrongly described after you have bought it,
proving the seller knew something serious was wrong with the car
when they
sold it to you is very difficult indeed.
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